Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daily Itinerary

1. 6:45 AM
Get ready for school or work

2. 7:00 AM
Head to school or work

3. 7:35
School or work begins

4. 9:00
Breakfast break for school or work

5. 10:00 AM
Resume school or work

6. 11:00 AM
Lunch break for school or work

7. 1:00 PM
Resume school or work

8. 2:00 PM
Finish school or work, schedules may vary

9. 3:00 PM
Students - head to work
Parents - pick up kids, if any, then head home to cook for yourself and kids

10. 5:00 PM
Students - rest/ homework break
Parents - should be at home prepping dinner

11. 7:00 PM
Dinner should be served with everyone in the family present

12. 9:00 PM
Wash dishes, clean kitchen, log down any waste, and secure the house

13. 10:00 PM
Shower and change into pajamas

14. 11:00 PM
Students - do any last minute homework
Parents - check up on kids' and wife's/husband's day

15. 12:00 AM

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